Friday, March 27, 2015

Rough Week

Last week started off fairly normal. Kyle enjoyed some outdoor play at daycare. This is his friend Tenley.
We all enjoyed an open house and book fair at Claire's school. We viewed her classroom and she showed us numerous art projects hanging on the walls.

Then came Friday. I nearly passed out while making coffee that morning and decided I needed to stay home. I was finally back to sleep about 10am, when the phone rang. It was Claire's school. She was in the office complaining of a sore throat and ear pain. I rallied, got dressed and picked her up (it was Badger day). We went to the doc and it turns out she had an ear infection. 

It's hard not to stop for ice cream when your pharmacy is across the street and you are waiting for a prescription to be filled. It usually makes everyone feel better.
I was still out of commission on Saturday. The flu I'm guessing. Kyle was next. I stayed home with him on Monday and Lucian is on his second day home today. We are all ready to be done with this "winter". 

Mimi dropped off spring clothes for the littles. Claire is loving some night gowns that have matching versions for her doll.
Kyle liked his Mickey Mouse shirt which he will look great in next month...
We are spending 1 day at Disney and a week at the condo in Florida. Claire is super excited and with everyone on the mend, so am I. 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Spring Thaw

The arrival of spring-like weather has certainly changed our daily routine. The kids are spending time riding bikes in the evening and we no longer have to bundle up for our walks to gymnastics or bring flash lights to walk home in the dark! Everyone loves it. 

The back yard is still a little wet, but everyone has rain boots, thankfully.

On Saturday, Claire accompanied me to a baby shower for an old work friend. It was great to catch up with everyone, but Claire remained bashful the entire time. She even fell asleep on my lap during the gift opening.

After playing outside on Sunday, we got together with friends for a pedicure "play date". I'm not gonna lie, this one was more about me than the girls. The warm weather will require sandals soon enough and I need to be ready:) It's been a long winter.
Claire and Sydney seemed to enjoy themselves.
And they went to town at a beauty store afterwards trying on make-up while I browsed the curling irons. A fun girly day.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

A Day Off

I was able to stay home with the kids last Friday while Claire had a day off school. We agreed on a trip to the children's museum in the morning. They hit up some of their favorite exhibits and Claire even ran into a few of her classmates.

Kyle loved the dance machine
There was also a new area set up with a number of cool graphic design experiences. Claire and I designed/programmed a blog. 

I had to use Kyle's afternoon nap time to work on our taxes, so I let Claire watch a little TV while I worked. She really wanted to watch a "grown-up show" so I pulled out an old favorite of mine: Gilmore Girls. She is hooked. I let Aunt Mimi know (we used to watch it together) and I think a viewing marathon is in the works!

The weather was great this weekend. We walked to the library on Sunday to get a fresh supply of books. It is so nice to not be freezing outside.

This is how I found Kyle on Monday night at daycare. He was so happy to be playing with his favorite cars outside. He threw a fit when we left, but I had a surprise for him.
He was on the waiting list for the next session of gymnastics, but got in. We headed to the class last night and he had a blast. Claire starts up again on Wednesday too.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Our Little Mermaid

We've come a long way with swimming class this winter. As you may recall, Claire wouldn't enter the water on class one. She has since turned into a little fish. She joins the rest of us after her class for open swim and shows off all her new moves. She is very comfortable swimming under water, floating on her back, practicing her arm movements and can now jump in the water on her own. This session ended Saturday and she was moved up to level 2! She'll be ready for summer in no time.

I tried to snap a photo of Kyle before he hopped in the water. This was the best I could do.