Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Happy Halloween

Kyle had his 9 month check-up (a week or two ago). Here are his stats:
Height: 29-1/2" (85%)
Weight: 20lb. 13.5oz. (75%)
Head Circumference: 46.5cm (90%)

I feel like just this this weekend his activity level skyrocketed. Every time I set him down, he is immediately opening a drawer, standing up and then cruising to the next surface he can grab. He now empties the tupperwear and pots and pans from the kitchen cupboards and can grab papers off the desk. This guy is busy.
He is also eating table food
 Just a cute shot of the kids playing in the hall while I got ready one morning.

The weather was pretty tolerable this weekend. We spent some time outside after purchasing perhaps the best outdoor tool ever: a leaf blower. Lucian managed to clear both the front and back yards and I cleaned the gutters (previously a 2 hour job now takes less than 5 minutes).

 I love this thing. Claire thought it was fun too.

We made use of the swing set while Lucian blew leaves (could be the last hurrah for the season).

Sunday was trick or treating in our neighborhood. Claire was not thrilled with the idea of it, so we discussed stopping at four houses; neighbors on each side, a house across the street (with a little girl) and her daycare. With some encouragement, she donned her costume and watched as Lucian and I handed out candy for a bit.
Then we headed out, still reluctant, as you can see. Claire made it to the 4 houses and then hit up our house. Lucian has already gone in while I was chatting with some neighbors. He answered the door and Claire actually said "trick or treat" and "thank you"! Maybe we'll have better luck next year. She said she wants to be Oscar the grouch. I told her that seems appropriate. She did enjoy handing out candy (sans costume) after we returned home.
 Kyle was along for the ride, happy as usual.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Go, Go, Go

That is exactly how I feel most of the time. I took the day off on Friday and spent the entire morning at the spa, thank you Lucian. It was my birthday present and very much enjoyed. It was kind of hard to relax for that long, but a good exercise none the less.

I picked Claire up in the afternoon and took her to her first dentist appointment. I talked about it a lot before and she seemed fine with the idea. They had a tv with Curious George on and a bucket full of prizes. It all seemed good until it was time to open her mouth. Claire wanted nothing to do with the process. The dentist got a good look in her mouth as she cried, but no cleaning this time. We will try again in 6 months.
I took advantage of the one-on-one time and stopped at the library next. We picked out some new books and then headed to get frozen yogurt. Both of these activities were much better received.

As part of a downtown event called Gallery Night, Lucian's office showed short films and music videos in their space. Lucian also got to display some of his photography work, images from a wrestling show called Mondo Lucha. I took the kids down to experience the show and support Lucian's photography work. You can see more of his photos here.

Spencer and Claire enjoying a short film. Claire loved the popcorn.

Saturday morning we hit up gymnastics. Here is Claire just before class.
After class Mimi joined the little ones and I on a trip to Rockford. We stayed overnight and headed to my childhood apple orchard on Sunday. The weather was great and I was happy to have 3 extra adults to tend to my babes. Claire was quite a handful that day.

Claire got to ride a pony

Kyle looked at pumpkins

and hung out in the stroller. He is a chill dude (thank goodness).
 Our little guy is on the move and now has 4 teeth coming in. We love our sweet Kyle Reed.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Kyle's mobility is fast improving. He can now pull himself up to a stand on just about anything. He also topples over frequently. He can crawl on all 4's, however, his preferred method is still the belly crawl. He is pretty fast.

Claire is loving her gymnastics class. We went to that Sat. morning. She is doing really well with potty training too.

We got to visit with our friends and meet their new baby on Sunday. Roselyn is 4 weeks old now and so tiny! Having 8lb & 9lb babies myself, a 6 pounder looks itty-bitty. Claire loved holding her and helping her mommy, Cait, with just about anything.

 I have the exact same photo of Lucian and Claire. It's definitely how a newborn makes you feel.
 My sweet guy. Can you see those teeth?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Regular Week

Last Monday was my birthday. Lucian brought me flowers at work and delicious mini donuts for my office treat. I didn't have time in the morning to stop, which he knew, so he cancelled a meeting and ran out to get them. So sweet.

My parents were watching the kiddos at our house that day, so Claire and my mom went to store and got me a cake. Claire carefully picked it out herself, it was very thoughtful.

The rest of the week and weekend was pretty low key. Here's a few iPhone shots of nothing in particular.

Kyle at breakfast

Claire wearing Daddy's glasses

A Halloween preview. Maybe she will knock on some doors this year. We'll see.

This bowl doubles as a hat.

Claire shoe shopping with me

Kyle having a blast under his high chair

Two clean babes ready for bed

Monday, October 1, 2012


For one of Claire's birthday presents, we signed her up for a gymnastics class. It's a rec department class that happens to be at Spencer's high school. Saturday was the first class and Claire was a little apprehensive.

The class is for 3-year-olds and they wanted them to be in the room sans parents. Claire was not a fan of this idea, so I walked her in and got her settled on her star. Once they started an activity I think she forgot she even had parents! They did a few group activities in a circle and then circuits where they went to different stations. One of Spencer's friends, a gymnast, was helping with the class too. Claire had a blast and is excited to go back to 'Spencer's school' next week.

Sunday morning we stopped at the lakefront to check out some cool things outside of the Discovery World museum (Lucian's idea). It was a great opportunity for some photos.
They have these cool wind flags you can turn, the benches double as xylophones and many other cool interactive pieces.

There is also a giant sailboat we looked at. Perhaps we'll make it out on this ship one day.
My sweet baby Kyle is getting his two bottom front teeth.