Monday, October 1, 2012


For one of Claire's birthday presents, we signed her up for a gymnastics class. It's a rec department class that happens to be at Spencer's high school. Saturday was the first class and Claire was a little apprehensive.

The class is for 3-year-olds and they wanted them to be in the room sans parents. Claire was not a fan of this idea, so I walked her in and got her settled on her star. Once they started an activity I think she forgot she even had parents! They did a few group activities in a circle and then circuits where they went to different stations. One of Spencer's friends, a gymnast, was helping with the class too. Claire had a blast and is excited to go back to 'Spencer's school' next week.

Sunday morning we stopped at the lakefront to check out some cool things outside of the Discovery World museum (Lucian's idea). It was a great opportunity for some photos.
They have these cool wind flags you can turn, the benches double as xylophones and many other cool interactive pieces.

There is also a giant sailboat we looked at. Perhaps we'll make it out on this ship one day.
My sweet baby Kyle is getting his two bottom front teeth.

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