Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sitting Up!

I was lucky enough to spend all day with Claire on Friday. Her daycare wasn't open, so I took the day off. Lucian brought her into our bed when he got up in the morning. It was a nice flash back to maternity leave. We dozed until 8am, which felt amazing! Here's a photo Lucian took before he left for work.

When one of us is home with Claire we send picture text updates to each other. Here's a cute one I sent to Lucian from our day at home. We played and did lots of floor time, then ran a few errands in the afternoon. I was planning to take her to the park to swing after our errands, but her nap got in the way.

Claire loves to take my iPhone (really anything she is not supposed to have; remotes, cameras, etc.). I try to let her hold my phone, but that typically lasts a few seconds before she tries to eat it. The other day I launched a drawing app and let her play with my phone. Here is the end result. She changed the colors and made all the marks herself. She even saved the image to my photos (I'm not kidding). It's her first digital art:)

Lastly, Claire is sitting up all by herself! She has been close for a while now, but would still take a hard fall now and then. Something clicked this weekend and she is sitting like a champ. I took a few photos and some video to show everyone.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Weekend Update

We had an enjoyable weekend eating out with friends and entertaining a plumber. Saturday morning we had to have our main sewer pipe unclogged. Never a fun task. We all hung out in the basement to keep an eye on things (we didn't want a mess in our newly finished space). We hung Claire's jumper from the I-beam and she jumped away for close to an hour. We couldn't believe she was happy and occupied for such a long time.

Claire and I ran a few errands and then had a great dinner at the house of a co-worker of Lucian's. They are expecting a baby in a few weeks. Claire was amazingly well behaved even though we kept her out late. Sunday was a little rough with our lack of sleep, but Lucian and I both managed to take a nap while Claire napped in the afternoon. I think that's a first.

Claire is easily adapting to solid foods. She eats yogurt and bananas every morning and has tried avocado, peaches, rutabaga, peas, broccoli and mango now.

I don't have many photos to share this week. These are all from our phones. We finally got an external hard drive to store all our photos and movies (we ran out of space on our laptop). I have some videos I'd like to edit and post now that we have the space to get them off the camera. Now if I could just buy a drive that added more time to my day!

Happy girl in her jammies, hanging out supervising the plumber.

I found this on Lucian's phone. My sweet baby girl.

These were taken right after Claire got the second dose of her flu shots Tuesday. She hardly even cried. What a trooper!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

7 months

Not too much to report this week. Claire turned 7 months on Friday. She is rolling like crazy and talking up a storm. She says da-da-da quite a bit. Lucian is very happy about that.

Nana Barb and Grandpa Joe came to visit and help watch Claire. They brought her a new entertainment center, which she loves. I think it has like 50 toys on it. I love it too because she can't go anywhere in it:)

The weather was pretty decent Saturday, considering we had snow earlier in the week! We enjoyed some time outside in the sun.

Lucian, Claire and I checked out a bike expo on Sat. I bought a jersey and took the road bike for a spin the next day. I really enjoyed the exercise but think I'll need a new saddle. I had Claire try out a few bikes at the expo. I think we'll work on crawling first, but she looks pretty cute.

Claire and dad at brunch on Sunday. We went to 2 bike shops after this. I guess it was a theme of the weekend.

Spencer went to Florida with Lucian's parents for the week. This is the last correspondence we received from Dave. We hope he's ok.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

The weather was absolutely beautiful here Friday. I dressed Claire in short sleeves for the day and loved seeing her pudgy little arms. Lucian and I both had half days and picked her up early from daycare. We hung out at home for a bit and went on a walk enjoying the great weather. Auntie M came over in the early evening so that we could enjoy a night out. I must say, this was the first time I really enjoyed myself leaving Claire. I've done a number of social things without her of course, but my mind always seemed to be at home. I had a great evening out with a number of Lucian's co-workers and their wives and am grateful to Auntie M for watching her while we had fun. All-in-all, a good night.

Enjoying some floor time. This girl can roll! I don't think crawling is very far away.

Yum, robots

Cuddling with Dad on Saturday.

Today we celebrated Easter with a lunch at Nana Kathleen and Papa Dave's house. Claire got to wear an adorable dress she got from Auntie M for Christmas. She sat in a high chair and ate her fruit while we had ham and lamb. Such a big girl:)

Mommy and Claire in her beautiful dress.

So, Lucian put pigtails in Claire's hair. He did this all himself, I kid you not! He has been wanting to try it for a while and our niece Lydia had a few extra rubber bands. I guess we will be getting some too. They look adorable.

I took this with my phone in the car on the way home. Such a funny face. I wonder what she was thinking.