Sunday, February 28, 2010

Science Fair

Spencer participated in the science fair at school this year, a requirement for his biology class. He and his friend Joe created a fuel cell and tested generating electricity with river silt. They spent a lot of time working on their project and it showed. They were selected as a finalist for a national competition and may go to state. The award ceremony is Thurs. night. We will update you after that.

Claire enjoyed looking at all the projects. She was talking up a storm as we walked around.

We spent a lazy afternoon around the house yesterday. Claire had a lot of fun playing on the floor with us. She is not rolling as much as I expected, but she sure has fun playing with her toys and laughing at our silly antics. She is a very happy baby, we are so lucky.

She loves playing with her feet and putting them in her mouth. Daddy decided to give them a try.

She even shares her toys with her big bro.

Lucian just went out on another training ride today. He is very serious about getting ready for the charity ride in June. He's commuted into work a few times and goes out every weekend. I decided to take his photo today because it looks a little ridiculous to see a biker with all the snow we have on the ground. The rest of his team lives in San Francisco. So while they enjoy rides in their 70° weather, here is the scene in Wisconsin. Wish we were there!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Claire is moving around more than ever. This weekend she perfected rolling from her back to her stomach, a much harder transition. I had to set her down for a bit Friday night while I cleaned up some dog puke (thanks Tatum). I was watching her on a blanket and saw her get to her side (like in the picture below) which was impressive. But then she kept going! She did it one other time Sat. reaching for some toys. It's pretty cool to see her moving and shakin'.

I tried a pilates class on Friday. I think this was one of the moves.

We had another visit from Nana Barb and Grandpa Joe this weekend. They were supposed to watch Claire on Sat. while we went snow mobiling with some friends. Unfortunately one of the sleds was in the shop, so we couldn't use them. Instead they had to hang out with us all weekend!

Here they are trying to keep the busy girl entertained. Tatum too!

About to fall asleep with Grandpa

Another shot of Claire sleeping with Dahlia on her face.

Retro Claire

We made a slideshow of images Lucian took this morning with his iPhone. He was experimenting with an app that makes your photos look like they were taken in the 60's and 70's. There are different films, flashes and lenses you can select to achieve various effects. I think they are pretty cool looking. And all of these were taken while I slept in! Thank you Lucian:) (no problem dear, I love you- this is Lucian) Enjoy.

(The vid has music embeded so turn down your speakers if you are at work;)

The above two shots had the same film setting, no flash, but different lenses (this is Lucian again).

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Our First Sick Day

Friday was Claire's first sick day:( She had a stuffy nose a few days prior, but it was really bad Friday morning as were her eyes; red and dripping too. She looked so miserable, we decided I should stay home with her. After a quick trip to doc, he said it was just a virus and recommended a humidifier for her room, elevating one end of her mattress so she is slightly upright while sleeping and gave us an Rx in case her eyes got worse. She was not her happy self most of the day, but turned things around near 3:00. She was better Sat. and even more so today. We hope that was the worst of it. It's no fun being sick.

Lucian's brother Jesse is visiting this week (known to the kids as Uncle J). We had a birthday dinner Sat. night for Lucian, Jesse and Dave. Here's a shot from the restaurant. Claire did great even though our private room felt like 100°!

Claire and Jesse

Lucian is not real big on sweets, so when asked what dessert he wanted for his birthday he said beef jerky. That is exactly what he got and surprisingly, lots of other people ate it with their cake and ice cream!

I feel like our life has hit fast forward. Claire is growing and changing at an amazing pace. It all goes too fast if you ask me. She rolled over twice today, however when I put the video camera on her she just got upset. She is able to use this jumper now and loves grabbing at the toys in it.

Her baby babble is becoming more elaborate, adding new syllables and sounds all the time. She can get her hands on just about anything near her and often wants whatever is not a toy; paper, a spoon or a necklace. And she is getting so big. She was just a little over 18lbs. at the doc on Friday and is sleeping in a 12 month outfit right now! I wish there was a slow motion button.

Bath-time faux hawk

Lucian went for a winter bike ride this morning while we girls slept in. He is training for an amazing ride this June called the AIDS Lifecycle Ride to End Aids. He joined a team of Advertising professionals called the Red Pencils and will ride from San Francisco to LA June 6-12. That's 545 miles over 7 days! Click here to learn more about it or donate to his fund raising effort. We'll keep you posted on his progress.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Quick Update

I have a ton of new videos I want to edit and post, however I have not yet found the time to work on them. Here's a quick update. It will be short because it's late and I should be in bed!

A cute shot I found of Claire sleeping. She likes to hold Dolly when she's tired and often places her over her eyes.

We took a make your own baby food class Saturday morning at the hospital where Claire was born. We are very excited to start feeding her solids in a month. Making it yourself seems pretty easy and economical, so I will give it a try. I bought a recipe book today at the mall. I think avocado, sweet potato or carrots will be first. I can't believe she is so close to starting solid foods!

Our friends Amanda and Ross joined us with their baby Sydney. Here are the girls catching up after class.

We had them over for dinner that night as well. I was trying to capture a pajama party photo, as the girls were getting ready for bed. When Lucian and Ross moved closer to pose, Claire put her thumb in front of Sydney's mouth. And what does a 4-month old baby do when something is put near their mouth? They eat it. We thought it was hilarious.

Claire has recently discovered her feet. She puts them in her mouth while on the changing table now.

Claire rolled over for the first time this week! We have been trying to capture a video, but she hasn't repeated the roll yet. She also plays with her pacifier, taking it in and out of her mouth on her own. We think she gives kisses too. They are a slobbery mess, but she seems to know she's giving affection. We love to receive them:)

Here is a video of Claire not rolling.