Friday, June 14, 2013

No Sleep

Kyle kept us up crying last week for two nights in a row. He is an early riser, but not one to be up at night, so I took him to the doc last Friday. Turns out he had an ear infection that led to a ruptured ear drum. Poor guy. He is much better now and finishing up his meds. And we are hoping to feel well rested sometime again in our lives.

Last Friday we attempted a camp out in our back yard, sleeping in our tent. I was worried Kyle would be up with ear pain, but he slept all night. Claire however, woke up very upset around 12:30am. We all headed in the house after that and she proceeded to wake us one additional time. Lucian has hopes of us camping as a family. I was happy to have the house as a back-up this time.

Kyle enjoyed lying on our sleeping bags inside the next morning.
Saturday night, we took a walk so that Claire could ride her bike. She loves cruising on her balance bike through the neighborhood, throwing sticks in the river and seeing the other kids out and about.

Uncle Jesse is very good at longboarding. He carried Kyle while doing it and gave Claire a taste as well. I am amazed, as I can not come close to managing it by myself. Claire thought it was awesome.

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