Thursday, September 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Claire!

One year ago we welcomed Claire Brooke McAfee into our family. (See my first post for some hospital shots.) It's hard to believe at this time last year I was heading home from work with some pretty intense contractions. I remember it well. How can an entire year have gone by since then?

So much has changed. Claire is finally sleeping through the night (probably our fault for not being tougher:). She can clap, give kisses, wave and say bye-bye. She feeds herself, drinks from a sippee cup, stands on her own and can curise on all the furniture. She is a very vocal young lady and talks and "sings" all the time. She dances, bobbing up and down, when she hears music. And she has a fabulous memory, when you hide things from her or open a door she wanted to go through.

We had a lovely party for her on Monday. I will post videos and photos soon. I can't imagine our lives without her. We are so lucky to have been blessed with our little girl.


  1. Can't wait to see the photos and video. We had such a good time celebrating that beautiful little girl's birthday.

  2. Oh my goodness! Happy Birthday to Claire! I cannot believe it has been a year already. That really did seem to fly by. She is just adorable.
