Sunday, October 2, 2016

Old Time Amusement

There is an amusement park in Green Bay Wisconsin we heard about that caters to young kids. We made the trip just before school started and didn't regret it. The rides were perfect for our kids and most were only 25¢!

Little circular tracks of boats, planes and cars kept Kyle happy for most of the day.

We tried a few bigger things together like the tilt-a-whirl, swings and bumper cars.
A creeky old carousel had this pretty rainbow zebra.

And while Kyle rode a few smaller things with Dad, Claire and I went on a wooden roller coaster. Here's where being tall has its advantages. This before photo shows how brave Claire was.
About 10 seconds in she changed her tune and said "Mom I don't like this." I buried her head on me and held her the entire time. When we got off she said next time she would like to sit in the back because maybe that would be less scary. At least she was talking about a next time. Super proud of our brave girl!

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