Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Happy Spring!

Claire and Spen had off of school last week. Lucian was home one day with everyone and daycare and Nana filled in the gaps.
I ate out with the littles one night while Lucian and Spen went to a Buck's game. 
And Nana had the kids sleepover another night.
The three "adults" enjoyed a nice meal out with cocktails and uninterrupted conversation.
Saturday we had decent weather here. We headed to a big community egg hunt in the morning. Kyle was all about it and Claire was a little intimidated by the crowds.
Claire insisted on a picnic lunch at home that day. I was trying to get Kyle to smile here. I said say cheese and he said "no". I said say booger and her looked like this. You can't escape my camera little guy. Nice try.
We colored eggs...
And the Easter bunny visited. Some of Claire's favorite gifts were some books with audio CDs. She has them in her classrooms and has been begging for some to play school with at home.
Lucian's parents had us over and set up an egg hunt for the kids.
And Spen was able to join us as well.

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