Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Kyle is fighting a little cold and getting 2 new teeth. The trooper that he is, he just wants to cuddle more, especially overnight.

I took Claire sledding for the first time. The bigger hill we went to was rather slanted, so I found myself needing to brake/steer with my boot on the way down. This sprayed snow in Claire's face, pretty much ruining the activity. We tried once again, with a scarf over her face, but she was ready to go home. Half way though the park, I pulled the car over and said we were trying again on a tiny hill. We went down little hills several times with success. Hopefully she will give it a go again.

Claire had her first sleepover on Saturday. Her cousin Lydia, who is 4, stayed overnight. Within minutes of arrival the girls were dressed like princesses, and stayed that way most of the time.

They watched a movie and went to sleep in their sleeping bags.

They made PlayDoh cupcakes and cooked at the play kitchen.

Claire was so tired the next day, she fell asleep while grocery shopping with me. I guess she had a good time. She has said every day since "I want to have lots of sleepovers."

Kyle is a buy bee, rearranging and emptying cupboards, opening the trash and sneaking into bathrooms. He recently started standing up on his own (without pulling up on furniture) and will walk while holding your hands or push chairs/walkers around a room.

Kyle found a crown the girls had left out. He makes a handsome prince:)