Sunday, February 8, 2015

January Roundup

Both kids started rec classes last month. Kyle is in 3-year old gymnastics. He absolutely loves running around and is starting to grasp the concept of following directions and waiting in line. We stand outside the class giggling at the teacher saying "Kyle, get back in line", "Kyle, over here" and so on.
Claire is taking swim lessons again. She stood at the edge of the pool for the first class, but we convinced her to get in on week two and now she loves it.

I may have bribed Claire with a trip to the children's museum to get her in the water at swim class. They had a fun afternoon.

We hit up the Public Museum another weekend and enjoyed the butterfly exhibit.

We've had plenty of snow as of late. We have a resident snowman and the kids like to play in it. Kyle however, rarely keeps his mittens on.

We celebrated Lucian's birthday in January. I met him for a lobster lunch that day.
And we celebrated with family at our house that night.

And perhaps the biggest news of the month. Kyle has started potty training. He is about a week in and doing really well. Send good vibes that it keeps up.