Friday, April 12, 2013

Nothing Fancy

Last week included some warmer temps and more daylight. It was invigorating and we tried to take advantage of every opportunity.

 Claire and Kyle are definitely playing together more and more. I caught them using fridge magnets together the other morning and just sat and listened to their interaction. It was pretty cute.

Claire served us dinner the other night. I'm not sure the theme of the restaurant she works at, but pants are optional.
And finally the rain... It has been raining here for days and days. We've been stressing about our basement flooding (again) as the forecast seems to have no break in store. So far so good. We are keeping our fingers crossed.

They only up side is how adorable these kids look in rain gear. Lucian sent me this pic the other morning and I almost died laughing. Kyle resembles some sort of cross between a duck and an oompa loompa. I love it.

The guy has no fear and happily walks into the street or off a ledge. He is always on the go.

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