Thursday, September 13, 2012

Claire is 3!

Our sweet Claire Brooke turned 3 on Sunday. Where does the time go? Claire is a passionate, driven and smart girl. She can talk up a storm and definitely knows what she wants. When asked what kind of cake she wanted this year, she said a frog cake. I was expecting an answer like chocolate, but frogs it was. It gave me a theme for the party, however.

We had family over on Sunday to celebrate. Kyle made sure he was well rested for the party.
I made some tissue paper lily pads as decorations.
Claire cried when we all started to sing and asked if we could be quieter. We all whispered happy birthday to her and then I had to blow out her candles. Little stinker.
One of Claire's favorite gifts was the book Shoo Fly. She loves to read it at daycare, and can recite the story herself. It is out of print and hard to track down. Thank goodness for ebay!
 Hugging Alvin the chimpmunk.
A rare group shot.
And an ever rarer entire family shot!
 The party continued Monday at daycare. Claire brought cookies for a treat and had a candle and a crown. She was loving it.


  1. Happy Birthday to Claire! My girls don't like blowing out the candles either!!! Love the decorations

  2. sooo cute!!! Happy Birthday Claire! Did you make the cake?

    1. No, we bought the cake. You overestimate my skills, Katie;)
