Monday, December 6, 2010

Welcome December

Claire is a little busy body. She is into anything and everything. As long as it's not terribly destructive, I try to let it go. She has to have some things she can get in to, right? Here she is taking all the Ziplock bags out of the box.
She also takes bowls and strainers and things out of the drawers in the kitchen. Here she is playing with bowls and tongs.

Claire received her first advent calendar. I told Lucian that we would just have to eat her chocolates for her, since she can't have them, but he had other plans. He lets her open them and take a chocolate. She loves it! It's hard to explain she can only have 1 a day. I'll leave that up to Lucian.

Saturday was our first real snow fall. I was happily surprised to find Lucian and Spencer out shoveling when I emerged from the shower Saturday morning. I snapped a quick photo from the window.

We visited an "Urban Garage Sale" on Saturday; a gathering of local vendors. We picked up a few things including some headbands for Claire. I think she looks so much older with her hair like this.

Nana Barb knit Claire this Santa hat. I thought she looked pretty cute taking the ornaments off our little tree in her PJs. We have yet to get a real tree up. Hopefully soon!

Sunday morning Claire came down with a stomach bug. She woke up around 2:30am sick to her stomach. After a bath, 2 pairs of jammies and 3 bedding changes she was back to sleep for a little while. She was in good spirits during the day Sunday, but still has some signs she's on the mend. I think I had the same thing last night and now Lucian is home sick today. Luckily it's a quick recovery.

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