Tuesday, August 21, 2012

On the Go

My little Kyle Reed is rolling and pivoting and rocking on his knees. I see crawling in his near future. He is also displaying more complex babbling as of late, including "da da."

Over the weekend, my parents were in town, so we packed them in the van and headed to the zoo. We saw some animals, fed the goats...

 and rode the train...

Saturday we headed to a baby shower for some friends. It was co-ed, and Lucian's first shower. I thought Lucian looked funny sitting under this branch. Can you tell these two are related?

Lucian had some photography gigs planned Sunday, so I took Claire to the park to play with Sydney. They hit up the sand box.

And we wandered down to the beach. It was a beautiful morning.

Claire has a big imagination and very much likes to direct people. Here, she had Nana and Papa taking naps. She drove them in a "car" as well, where she assigned seats, buckled us in and told us where we were going. Unfortunately the wheels broke and she informed us she had to go shop for another blue car. I believe the game ended there. Nana and Papa were good sports.

My babies in the morning. Love these two.

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