Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Color Commentary

 Spencer ran in The Color Run last Friday. It's a 5K where they throw powdered color at you as you run, a different color for every kilometer. They are gaining popularity across the country and I have worked on a few (marketing/design) myself. I planned to sign up as well, but when I went to register a while back, Milwaukee was sold out:(

Runners are encouraged to wear white. Spen and his friends created team t-shirts for the run.

They had a blast. I will definitely do it next year.

My weekend was fairly ordinary. We went out for frozen yogurt together.

I went shopping for baby food produce. Claire was delighted when she discovered these kiddie carts. She was positively beaming as she pushed around fruits and vegetables. And she narrowly managed not to knock anything over.

Here's a shot of Kyle up on all fours. I'm amazed at the ground he can cover without officially crawling.

Yesterday I brought the kids to the library after daycare. Claire and I have been talking about it for a while. She can finally read paper books without tearing pages, so we picked out a few stories and a movie (Pinocchio). She was thrilled to find her favorite book from daycare: The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and The Big Hungry Bear. It's great to see her so excited about reading.

It seems like I end every post with a shot of these two. Claire loves to hold Kyle and Kyle adores his big sis. They give me lots of opportunities for great shots. Claire often asks for me to take their photo, as well.

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