Lucian has really been concentrating on his photography and learning lighting and retouching techniques. It's been cool to discuss all of these things together, and I think it will help me direct photographers I work with professionally.

He shot a few photos of Claire while they played on the swing set the other day. And on Sunday, we did a session at his office on a black sweep. Both kids were super fussy and difficult and we left feeling frazzled and unsure we captured anything worthwhile. But upon reviewing the images, there are so many great shots! Kids are unpredictable, so I'm glad we can do this as often as we'd like.
Claire in her "princess" pouting about something

We pulled out all the stops, including M&Ms & Justin Bieber music

Claire in my shoes

Me and my babes:)

Looks like Kyle finally woke up! Ha. Not sure who he looks like - all of us, I guess. You two are so talented. These photos look so professional. You are a Super Mom, Sarah.