I am starting to get my head above water. I forgot what the sleep deprivation from caring for a newborn makes you feel like. When Claire was a baby I fantasized about staying at a hotel for a full night's sleep. Those visions have returned.

Kyle had his one month check-up last week. He is doing well and gaining weight. Here are his stats:
Weight: 11lb. 2.5oz. (90%)
Length: 22" (75%)
Head Circumference: 39cm (95%)

We are making the most of our days at home having tea parties, dancing in our princess dresses, making cookies and hanging out. I'm sad that I only have a few more weeks home with the kids and at other times I long for my quiet office.

Claire loves being a big sister and continues to hug, kiss and help out with Kyle.

Aunt Mimi visited on Sunday and we took advantage of the unusually warm Feb. weather. Claire had a great time playing with her on the swing set.

Claire loves to pretend she is catching the bus to go to school. Yesterday she packed up her backpack, put on her boots and grabbed the iPad to head out. Too cute, and a little too real... she looks old enough to go!
Sarah, I know how you feel!!!!!! The sleep deprivation is unreal! I just keep thinking... "just keep swimming, just keep swimming". Don't you love watching Claire step into a new role though? Kyle is adorable by the way. Hang in there. Sleep will return, hopefully sooner for you than it is for me. (Teddy still doesn't sleep longer than 2.5 hours usually)