Our niece, Lucille, celebrated her 9th birthday last month. We had a family party on Saturday with delicious grilled food and a chocolate ice cream cake. Claire was a very big fan, as you can see.

Lucy has a guitar that Claire is often interested in. She had it out on Saturday and did a little performance for us all. Can you guess what song she wanted to play. It's at the end of the video.

On Sunday, we had a late afternoon picnic planned with our friends on what we hoped would be a warm day. Living near the lake has it's pluses and minuses. While it was much warmer inland, our drive to the park was accompanied by clouds moving in and a significant temperature drop. We opted to eat indoors at a restaurant and then head to the park for a bit. The girls had a lot of fun and we were home in time for baths and bed.
Claire and Sydney on the slide

Claire loves to swing. We hope to put one in our front tree this summer.

Spen on the rocking motorcycle

Claire was very upset to give a shovel and pail back to Sydney when it was time to leave. She sat herself down in the grass and cried. We asked Syd to go hold Claire's hand to walk to the car. She obliged and it cheered Claire up instantly.
Do we have a budding "American Idol" star?