Aunt Mimi, Claire and myself packed up and headed to Rockford for a post-Easter pre-Mother's day visit this weekend. With promises of 70° on Saturday, we went to a park early in the morning. It was pretty warm when the sun was out, but windy as you can tell from the photos.

Post nap, Nana Barb and Papa Joe took Claire and I to the Discovery Center. Claire had a blast exploring the exhibits and running around playing. I even remembered a few things that were there when I was a kid.
Driving a real tractor

Playing with air tubes

Conducting a steam train

Getting wet at the water table

and playing house

Claire had a very hard time leaving this baby doll when it was time to go. We promised to get out my old Cabbage Patch dolls when we got back to Nana & Papa's house, but that did not seem to matter to her. Luckily, the tantrum was short lived. At home, we got out the dolls as promised and she was even allowed to take one home with her.
We also dug out an old big wheel of mine that is just about the right size for Claire now. She had fun riding it on the sidewalk and we brought that home as well!

For whatever reason, Aunt Mimi was not Claire's favorite person this weekend... until she had a strawberry shake in her hands. As you can see, Claire was very happy Mimi shared.

We went for walks with Papa and the dogs both days. The weather Sun. was a little cold. You would never guess it is May!
Claire is so lucky to have so many relatives around. Esp aunt Mimi who must be like a second mom. Claire has such a warm smile.