Spencer and his friend Joe participated in the high school science fair again this year. Their project focused on engineering a way to capture and use energy from lightning. The boys put in a lot of hard work and hours. Unfortunately at the judging on Sat., one judge pointed out a few flaws in their execution. They are planning to rework some of the project in time for the state competition.

Claire and I at the public viewing

I ended up exchanging Claire's new swimsuit (featured in my last post). The strap was too tight on her neck. She seems to like this one, which is technically a 2-piece. And it has a monkey on it, which is good since she loves her sock monkey. We are planning to take her somewhere to swim on Saturday.

As I mentioned Claire loves her sock monkey. She carries him around, puts him 'night-night' in her crib and frequently tries to put a diaper on him. Last night she even wanted him to wear the pajamas I was trying to put on her (which we did).
Dancing in her dancing skirt with sock monkey

Diapering sock monkey

While shopping (at Target again) over the weekend, we picked up some sponge rollers for Claire. I put them in her hair while she watched her favorite Justin Bieber video and voila! A few hours later she had beautiful curls.

She got 2 balloons while shopping at Target

Silly faces

We weren't going anywhere Sunday, so shortly after I took out the rollers she went down for nap and the curls were flattened. Kind of a fun lazy day activity. I don't know many almost 18-mo. olds that have the hair for this project.

Just a cute photo

Vacuuming up the cous cous she spilled
It's good to see Claire is working for her bed & board.