Lucian and I brought Claire to an indoor water park on Saturday morning. The downtown Hilton has public passes available to purchase and we have been dying to get Claire in a full size pool.
We chose to go at 9am when the pool opened, hoping the crowds would be minimal. It was a little pricey, but seeing her face and hearing her laugh going down the slides made it all worthwhile. She absolutely loved the water and giggled all the way down the slides. It seemed her favorite was an adult size slide Lucian and I went down numerous times with her on our lap. We will definitely go back and we're even thinking of a weekend getaway to an indoor water park in Wisconsin Dells soon.
I only used my phone to take photos, so they are not that great. But I think you'll get the idea.

We tested out the little froggy slide before hitting the big ones.

She was ready for more.

We managed to swim for around an hour and a half before Claire became too tired to deal with it all. The water was a little cool and she was turning blue, so we got out and wrapped her in a towel. That is when the melt down began. She pretty much cried until we got in the car and then she fell asleep.
I love this shot of her melt down in the fancy hotel hallway.

We had our friends over this evening for dinner and a play date. We watched some hilarious videos on the iPad. (We also watched Justin Bieber:)

We read books

And the girls took turns pretend changing each other's diapers. It's fun that they are actually starting to play with each other.
swimming wipes us all out. always sleep like a rock after.