We had a pretty low-key weekend. My work week was super hectic, so I was happy to relax a bit at home. Saturday night Lucian and I went out on a double date. We had a fabulous dinner with friends and a few drinks after listening to a great band. It was a much needed adult night out and some much needed Claire and Auntie M time.
I was trying different names for Auntie before she came over; Auntie M, Mary Ann, MA to see what Claire would repeat. She went for Mimi. This is what I called my sister before I could say Mary Ann. We'll see if it sticks.

Claire is expressing some interest in the potty, so we bought her one. She just sits on it clothed and mimics wiping, but that is half that battle as I understand it. I'll keep you posted on any further developments.

We broke out the crayons and markers during a crabby breakfast session on Sunday. Lucian's idea and it worked to improve her mood.

Her beautiful art

And messy hands

We went shopping at a discount store Sunday hoping to find carpet tiles for our basement. They had ones we liked, but unfortunately not enough. Here's Claire and Lucian checking out a sauna.

Claire found a good resting spot under a desk

I took Claire grocery shopping Sunday evening after dinner, which can sometimes be a challenge. I noticed one of these car carts parked out front on our way in and thought we'd try it out. Oh my gosh, Claire
loved riding in it. She was kicking her feet happily and talking to everyone in the store. We will definitely try this again.

Here's a little video I shot of her saying hi to everyone. She really did this the entire time.