We were lucky enough to sail on a friends boat recently and even cook lunch. I had other plans for the day (like a Costco run) but when a friend invites you to sail, you should always say yes. Costco was still there the next day:)
We signed both kids up for soccer. It's just a 6-week course where the kids play fun games as a group to learn skills and how not to use their hands. I was really looking forward to it, but the first class was a complete disaster. Claire was terrified and wouldn't go near her team/coaches. She threw the ball and called it stupid and refused to move. Kyle just cried about wanting to play on the adjacent playground and in the end spent most of the hour on Lucian's lap pouting. Eventually Lucian left with him early detecting a potty emergency and I sat with Claire on the sidelines of her class.
Kyle on the other hand continues to pout. Here's a selfie I sent Lucian one week when he was traveling. I don't have photos, but I did manage to keep Kyle out on the field this week! I felt like a teacher's aid, constantly engaging him and even carrying him out to the field on occasion. I did every activity with him and I'm hoping we can make it through next week too!
Kyle's pouty face! The best! Love that pic.