We got the weekend started with a little pumpkin carving. The kids were intrigued by the texture of the pumpkin guts. Kyle tried to eat a seed or two right out of the pumpkin. I roasted them, but they didn't turn out right. Oh well.
Trick or treating was Sunday afternoon in our neighborhood. Kyle was Elmo and Claire was Princess Merida from the movie Brave. We headed to a few close neighbors first. Claire was again unsure of this process and Kyle was outgoing and gregarious as usual.
Someone liked his treats
We hung out in our yard for a while and Claire practiced her bow and arrow skills
Kyle went down for a nap and then Claire and I ran around with a group of neighbor kids. She warmed up to the process, but I still had to hold her hand at the doors. She managed to say thank to everyone, but didn't like to say trick or treat. Eventually she passed out in the living room for a late nap.
Our finished jack-o'-lanterns
Out going and gregarious sounds like little Lucian.