Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Claire's class went on a field trip to a local pizza manufacturer. Before it was announced, she kept telling us they were going on a field trip where there would be cheese pizza and milk. She asked if both Lucian and I could go. When we finally got the date and location, it worked for both of us. We toured a factory, watched a video and ate pizza for lunch.

They sent the kids home with pizza dough as well. Claire had fun making her pizza and insisted on using a rolling pin.
And anything that Claire does, Kyle wants in on too.

She also helped me make pancakes over the weekend as well as scoop roasted pumpkin for pies. She is a little Martha Stewart.

Art Museum

I am a little behind in my postings. These photo are from a quick trip to the art museum two weeks ago. We just needed to get out of the house that Sunday, so we ran around the atrium for a bit before lunch. We ended up staying while some crazy weather passed through.

Earlier in the weekend we asked my parents to watch the kids while Lucian and I went out to dinner and to a movie. It was a most enjoyable evening and Claire was super excited to spend the evening with Nana and Papa.

Aunt Mimi was recovering from toe surgery so Claire colored a get well sign for her. We sent her this photo

Monday, November 18, 2013

All About Claire

Claire is really enjoying school this year. After several weeks of tough drop-offs in the mornings, she has settled into a great routine. Just tonight she mentioned how she only knew Sydney on the first day and then proceeded to list off every student in the class she now knows.

We signed Claire up for picture day even though we have some great photos of her already. She informed her teachers that her dad is a photographer so she did not have to take them. He teacher said that it was up to her parents to which Claire's response was "Fine, but I'm not going to smile.'" As you can see she didn't quite smile... we still bought the photos.

Claire had a lovely grandma date last weekend with Nana Kathleen. They had lunch just the two of them and then went dress shopping. Claire did a fashion show when they returned home to show off her new purchases.

Claire wrapped up another session of gymnastics. My parents were visiting, so they went with us to her last class. We were able to go in and watch on that day and Claire just beamed the whole time having a big audience. She is asking to try ballet next.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Halloween 2013

We got the weekend started with a little pumpkin carving. The kids were intrigued by the texture of the pumpkin guts. Kyle tried to eat a seed or two right out of the pumpkin. I roasted them, but they didn't turn out right. Oh well.

Trick or treating was Sunday afternoon in our neighborhood. Kyle was Elmo and Claire was Princess Merida from the movie Brave. We headed to a few close neighbors first. Claire was again unsure of this process and Kyle was outgoing and gregarious as usual.

Someone liked his treats

We hung out in our yard for a while and Claire practiced her bow and arrow skills

Kyle went down for a nap and then Claire and I ran around with a group of neighbor kids. She warmed up to the process, but I still had to hold her hand at the doors. She managed to say thank to everyone, but didn't like to say trick or treat. Eventually she passed out in the living room for a late nap.
Our finished jack-o'-lanterns