They told us a little about the farm and how to pick an apple. Then handed out bags to each of the students.
I helped Claire and a couple of her classmates fill up their bags.
The weather was gorgeous, but we were all over dressed.
The kids had some time to play and then ate lunch at the orchard. It was fun to see Claire interact with her classmates and for me to learn some of their names. I love that they all call me Claire's mom, like that's my name. "Hey Claire's mom, can you..." I really enjoyed my day and Claire did too. Here is the picture she drew about it. Ironically, it doesn't include any apples. But we did see some bees the farm keeps as well as peacocks. She also traced her hand and was practicing letters. I love when she brings home drawings.
Claire's Mom - Love her drawings! And that the teacher helps translate them. :) So cute!