Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Kyle's 15 mo

Kyle had his 15-month checkup this week. He is a healthy growing boy. Here are his stats:
Weight: 24lb. 2.5oz. (75%)
Height: 32" (85%)
Head circumference: 49cm (95%)

Kyle is a great eater. He almost always eats more that his sis and I can still get him to chow down on numerous healthy options.

Kyle is a climber. He loves to be in the cupboard, the closet, a drawer or a box. He has the best sneaky grin he will flash to you just before his mischief. He wants to make sure you are watching.

Kyle is a fluctuating sleeper. He goes to bed so well but often wakes early. We've discovered he will go back to sleep if one of us lies with him on the couch. Almost every morning you can find Lucian or I under a blanket with the little bugger. The same held true for nap time the other day. After an hour in his bed, he rested comfortably with me for another hour on the couch.

Kyle is a ham. He makes silly faces all the time and then laughs at them with us. Claire asked to sit in his high chair the other day, so I brought up the booster for Ky.

Monkeys! I took the same photo of Claire at 15 months. You can see it here.

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