Gathering loot
Claire, cousins and Auntie Blanca. Claire insisted she sit right next to Lydia during dinner and dessert.
With Kyle's six month 'birthday' he can now start some solid foods. I made a batch of carrots first and he has been eating like a champ. I managed to make Claire's baby food and am hoping to do the same for this guy.
"Mmm, that's different Mom."
"I think I like them." He slept through the night right after eating these and one other time this week. Hoping these solid foods help out with that:)
Post carrots with goofy Claire. These photos also made me decide Kyle was in need of a haircut. I spoke to my stylist about technique and successfully trimmed his hair on Sat. Boy's hair is a little challenging.
Kyle can now reach his feet to his mouth. He seems to be a thumb sucker and isn't to interested in a paci (which is fine by me).
And on a side note, we have a robin's nest on the window ledge of our garage window. It's perfect for observing and getting really close to the babies. We check on them every day.
It's funny around here in Colorado, bird's nests are full of string, paper, anything they can find. This picture is so classic bird's nest. Perfect Robin's nest.