My Aunt Mary Ann is visiting (Rockford) from Georgia. She made the trip up to Milwaukee with my parents and my Aunt Kath to visit on Sunday. We decided to host a tea party to celebrate. I also realized I've never hosted
my extended family at my house (they are all out of town). It made me feel so grown up:)
I made quiche and finger sandwiches and asked my mom to bring fruit salad. Aunt Mimi brought little cheesecakes for dessert which I paired with some store-bought sweets. The weather was lovely and so was the party. Here's some highlights.

It was nice for my aunts to meet baby Kyle

Claire played outside before lunch and the extra hands/eyes on the kids allowed me to focus on entertaining.

Running with Papa and Kath

Dapper Spen

Nana Barb with her sisters
Claire showing Kath her slide
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