Sunday, March 25, 2012

Tea Party

My Aunt Mary Ann is visiting (Rockford) from Georgia. She made the trip up to Milwaukee with my parents and my Aunt Kath to visit on Sunday. We decided to host a tea party to celebrate. I also realized I've never hosted my extended family at my house (they are all out of town). It made me feel so grown up:)

I made quiche and finger sandwiches and asked my mom to bring fruit salad. Aunt Mimi brought little cheesecakes for dessert which I paired with some store-bought sweets. The weather was lovely and so was the party. Here's some highlights.

It was nice for my aunts to meet baby Kyle
Claire played outside before lunch and the extra hands/eyes on the kids allowed me to focus on entertaining.

Running with Papa and Kath
Dapper Spen
Nana Barb with her sisters
Claire showing Kath her slide

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Borrowing Time

My return to work was no where near the ease in, slowly get back up to speed transition I had hoped for. The other art director I worked with took a job in NC and we are currently searching for a replacement. Additionally we are very busy, which leaves me burning the midnight oil after the kids are in bed.

Therefore, this post is short and sweet. I'm cutting time where ever I can, and unfortunately blogging is one of those places. Sleep is the place I primarily cut which has fueled my coffee addiction and left me a little spacey. Sorry if some of my writing doesn't make sense.

silly faces
Claire received an entire chest full of princess dress-up clothes from a neighbor. Here she is trying on the mermaid dress and white gloves. She has really been enjoying playing dress-up.

Kyle is a sweet and easy-going little guy. Thank goodness, because I don't think I could handle a fussy baby right now. Claire is a very trying 2-year old at the moment. I bought a parenting book that was recommended to me to learn some better techniques, but I'm not sure when I'll have time to read it!
Lucian and I have a date night planned this Sat. that includes dinner and concert. I cannot wait.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Last Snow (hopefully)

Lucian spent a week home with the babes, while I went back to work. We did this with Claire too and it certainly makes the adjustment easier. He and Claire took Kyle to his two- month check-up. He is doing very well. Here are his stats:
  • Weight: 13 lbs. 6 oz. (90%)
  • Height: 24.5" (95%)
  • Head circumference: 40.75 cm (95%)

A week or so ago, Lucian had to shoot some photos of a teenage boy for work. He volunteered Spencer for the project and here are the shots. Spen was supposed to be an unlikeable teen in the photos, a true stretch for him. They turned out pretty fun.

Claire helped me shovel on Sat. morning and we played out in the snow. A very small clump now represents the remnants of our snowman, but that's okay with me. I'm ready for spring.

Sunday we took a trip to the Schlitz Audubon Nature Center to see some animals and go for a small hike. We are members now and I see us making frequent visits this summer. We put Kyle in a carrier under my maternity winter jacket. It worked out really well.