Spencer has been in the junior golf program at the West Bend Country Club for about the past 8 years. It allows kids to play the course and get instruction once a week for about 6 weeks in the summer. Last Tuesday was the annual banquet dinner to commemorate the end of the season. His cousins Lucy and Geremiah were in the program this year too.
Spencer and his great grandma Ginny and great grandpa Ken

Claire with Auntie Sarah and cousin Lydia

Geremiah, Nana Kathleen and Lucy

Saturday morning Claire and I headed to the Wisconsin State Fair. I had only been once since living here, but I thought she would enjoy the animals. I was right. We walked the buildings of cows, pigs, goats, horses and sheep. She asked to touch them all, which for the most part we could, and told the sleeping animals to "wake up". She seemed to really enjoy herself and talked about it for days after.

It was a hot day to be out there so we shared an old fashion lemonade. Neither of us really wanted to eat, so we picked up a 6-pack of cream puffs to bring home and headed out by nap time.

The air and water show was in town this weekend and we were lucky enough to view some of it from the marina on our friends' boat. We only made it in time to watch the Air Force Thunderbirds (Claire was napping) but they were pretty amazing. And loud.
We went out for a quick boat ride and got caught in the rain before heading home to meet Nana Barb and Papa Joe. They stayed over Sunday to watch Claire while daycare was closed on Monday.
Claire watching the planes

It was difficult to get a photo of the planes with my phone. This is the best I could do.
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