Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Betty Brinn

There is a children's museum downtown (Betty Brinn) which I had been to once many many years ago. I took Spencer, if that is any indication. Lucian was supposed to be out of town at a bike ride (it was canceled due to weather) so my sister and I had made plans to take Claire Saturday morning.

I am a fan of getting to places when they open. Claire eats lunch around 11:30 and naps at 12:30 so a 9-11am activity gets us out of the house and fits in well with her schedule. Saturday was rainy, windy and cold, so an indoor activity was the perfect solution.

The museum is filled with different areas that teach kids about life. There are stores, a TV station, a construction area, farming area and much much more. Claire was a little timid to touch and climb onto things at first. But Auntie and I showed her how it's done and she was off exploring in no time.

Claire and Auntie driving a truck

Truck driving works up an appetite
Claire drove the bus to the TV station
Where she produced the news
Time for some well deserved coffee. Claire picked up this mug at one of the exhibits and carried it around for a long time. She pretended to sip out of it as she walked around. I guess she's seen mommy and daddy do that a few times.
We worked on cars
Washed up
Played in the sand
And went for dip
A good time was had by all. We will definitely go back. What kind of mom lets her daughter's hair hang in her face? The kind who has the same problem herself.

On Friday, Claire and I met Sydney (and Amanda) out for dinner. The girls sat and ate while we all chatted. Amanda and I were like well oiled machines feeding the girls, avoiding spills, picking up dropped items all while balancing conversation. Toddlers keep you on your toes, that's for sure, but they are a lot of fun.
The dinner table
Bye bye kisses

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