Claire had her 1-year wellness check-up last week. She got a few shots and had a finger prick to to check her iron level and a few other things. It wasn't her favorite visit, but she did great. Here are her stats:
Weight: 22lb 5oz (75%)
Length: 31" (95%)
Head circumference: 47.5cm (95%)
The nurse and the doctor marvel at her hair length. They claim they have never seen a baby her age with that much hair. The doc actually said his 4-year old doesn't have that much hair! We have yet to cut it, but I think a little trim may be in her future.
Lucian and I attended an Oktoberfest party briefly Saturday night. We didn't stay too late because Lucian was riding in a 100 mile bike ride the following morning (and our sitters were heading back to Rockford). After sampling a few beers, he didn't want to leave, but I bet he was thanking me some time the next morning. He had a really great ride, I envy his endurance.
At the party with Lucian's cousin Bridget. She just returned from a year in South Korea. We were swapping Thailand stories, she traveled there as well.
On Sunday Claire and I hit the outlet mall with Auntie M. She is quite the bargain hunter, it was fun to tag along. Claire really liked having this hat on for a while. Of course, not by the time we dug a phone out to take a pic.

Lastly, I may have started a war in our house. I bought Claire a Chicago Bears shirt while at the outlet mall. After she woke from her afternoon nap, I tried it on her and handed her to Lucian. He said "That's ok, she will have a Packers cheerleading outfit very soon." We'll see. I'm pretty sure she's ready for the Packers vs. Bears game on Monday. It's tough to grow up in a divided house:)

Those mixed marriages, Bears vs Packer, can be quite the challenge. Since Spencer is probably already a Packer fan, why not let Claire even the odds? I think she looks beautiful in her Bears shirt.
ReplyDeleteI think we all marvel and her gorgeous hair! I hear ya on the football fan craziness. In fact, I don't even attempt to put anything Bears related on Nora. TJ would have a fit. But, my brothers try. :)
ReplyDeleteshow us how long it is at one year, before you cut it!