Last Monday we threw a first birthday party for Miss Claire Brooke. Labor day was my official due date, so it seemed fitting. The long weekend allowed for her Uncle Jesse and Lucian's Aunt Sandi and Uncle Jeff to join us from out of town as well.
I planned the party for 3pm, right after Claire's afternoon nap. We were hoping to use our deck to gain some additional space, so the morning rain worried me a bit. Around party time though it was dry. We grilled brats and burgers and got help from aunts and nanas with the side dishes. It really made a huge difference only planning the main course and dessert.
The grill master

Claire and Grandpa Joe

The cousins outside: Spencer, Geremiah & Lucy

Auntie M and the birthday girl

I made 5 tissue paper pom poms and hung them over our dining room table. We got a few balloon bouquets too, the house felt so festive. Most of the pom poms are still hanging. We lift Claire up and let her touch them... she has pulled 2 down so far.

We did cupcakes for her cake. They were chocolate fudge, red velvet and white chiffon. Delicious!

Claire with her personalized birthday tiara. To my surprise she left it on! She loved hearing us all sing happy birthday to her.

Blowing out the candle

Her first cupcake!

Messy girl. Lucian made me resist my urge to wipe off her hands and face (it was difficult). At one point though, she started picking it off her own hands and got a little bothered by the mess. I gave her a quick wipe down then and let her back at it.

Oh my!

Claire and her friend Sydney

Sydney and Claire's cousin Lydia helped open gifts. Thank goodness, because the attention span of a 1-year old is about 30 seconds.

Sydney helping me and Claire playing at the screen door

Claire loves her new wheely bug. She pushes it around the house on her knees right now.

The party was great fun. Luckily we don't host that many people all that often. It's exhausting! I'll leave you with a few shots of Claire on her actual birthday. I know I've said that about 10 times already, but it's hard to believe she is 1-year old! What a great year.
Getting into Mama's purse

She looks so big!

Wearing her new "1-sie" - get it? Onesie?