She started running a fever last Thursday overnight. We had plans to go to a cabin in Door County on Friday and decided to still go. Claire slept in the car most of the way. She was a little out of sorts, whiny and wanted to be held. With 3 dogs and 7 people at the cabin, it was almost a blessing she wasn't crawling around. We had some pretty rough overnights, but I think she enjoyed the water and being outdoors. I'm glad we didn't cancel the weekend. I'll post some photos of the trip next.
Her fever broke on Sunday, but Lucian decided to stay home with her Monday and Tuesday for some extra attention and pampering. He sent me these photos from their day at home. She wanted to play and crawl around but had no energy. She would start to crawl a bit and put her head down on the ground or cry to be picked up. Lucian put blankets and soft things all across her floor and she decided to take a nap there after playing was too overwhelming.

A sick baby really breaks your heart. You just want to make everything better and get them back to normal. This morning she was crawling around getting into things again. I know she must be feeling better.
Speaking of getting into things. Last night Auntie M watched Claire while Lucian and I went to dinner and a concert with friends. Claire took these glasses out of Auntie M's purse. She texted us this photo while at the show.

I think she is going for the movie star look! So glad she is feeling better.