We ate breakfast on the deck and I braided Claire's hair for for the first time. Lucian was able to entertain her long enough to get the job done. It stayed in all day!
Cooling off in the pool, Hipstamatic style.
On Sunday, Spencer played in a few local parades on the Nicolet High School band "float". We went to see him and enjoy some 4th of July festivities. The weather was super hot, so we didn't stay for the whole thing. Claire seemed to enjoy the music and looking at all the sights.
The band
We met up with Nana Kathleen, Auntie Blanca and Claire's cousin Lydia. Here we are taking a break in the shade.
We grilled out in the afternoon and played a game of Pétanque. It's a little like bocce, French I guess. Claire was very interested in the balls.
We set up a blanket for her and took turns playing. In the end, we all ended up on the blanket watching the clouds and letting Claire climb all over us.
We watched some fireworks from our back yard, since Claire goes to bed around 8pm. Maybe next year she'll make it to the show.
Auntie M accompanied Claire and I on a quick trip to the mall today. They have fountains in the center square where a number of kids were splashing about. We weren't prepared to get drenched, so I just put her hand in for now. We'll have to remember that next summer on a hot day when she can walk through them!
The past few days Claire has really started to pull herself up to a stand and takes a few steps while holding onto furniture. It's crazy how quickly these things happen. She was first crawling a couple weeks ago. I'll try to get that in another video soon.
Hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th.
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