Sunday, May 16, 2010

Longer weekends?

I swear, weekends seem to fly by and I never get as much done as I had hoped. Generally, I spend a significant amount of time with Claire so that could explain some of the housekeeping and chores that fall behind. Although she did fall asleep tonight in the baby bjorn while I was vacuuming.

Late Saturday morning Claire and I took a walk to the park nearby. I wanted to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather, so a trip to the swings seemed like the perfect plan. Unfortunately, they don't allow dogs in the play area so Tatum had to stay behind. (This park is usually where we take him for walks as well.) Claire enjoyed the swings for a while and loved watching the kids run around. I helped her go down the slide and we checked out some games. She must have enjoyed it, she fell asleep on the walk back.

We made sure to take Tatum out for a walk today. Claire loved the stroller time. She watched the dog quite a bit and kept her arm reached out to touch him if he came closer. Tatum knew better and kept the perfect distance.

Nana Barb and Grandpa Joe stopped by today while in town to swap cars with my sister. Nana finished Claire's quilt and it's beautiful! Claire tried it out this evening and demonstrated some of her scooting moves.
She even managed to get up on all fours

And lastly, the orioles are here! We put out oranges and grape jelly every year to attract the beautiful birds. Lucian snapped this picture this morning.

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