A cute shot I found of Claire sleeping. She likes to hold Dolly when she's tired and often places her over her eyes.
We took a make your own baby food class Saturday morning at the hospital where Claire was born. We are very excited to start feeding her solids in a month. Making it yourself seems pretty easy and economical, so I will give it a try. I bought a recipe book today at the mall. I think avocado, sweet potato or carrots will be first. I can't believe she is so close to starting solid foods!
Our friends Amanda and Ross joined us with their baby Sydney. Here are the girls catching up after class.

We had them over for dinner that night as well. I was trying to capture a pajama party photo, as the girls were getting ready for bed. When Lucian and Ross moved closer to pose, Claire put her thumb in front of Sydney's mouth. And what does a 4-month old baby do when something is put near their mouth? They eat it. We thought it was hilarious.
Claire has recently discovered her feet. She puts them in her mouth while on the changing table now.
Claire rolled over for the first time this week! We have been trying to capture a video, but she hasn't repeated the roll yet. She also plays with her pacifier, taking it in and out of her mouth on her own. We think she gives kisses too. They are a slobbery mess, but she seems to know she's giving affection. We love to receive them:)
Here is a video of Claire not rolling.
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