Friday was Claire's first sick day:( She had a stuffy nose a few days prior, but it was really bad Friday morning as were her eyes; red and dripping too. She looked so miserable, we decided I should stay home with her. After a quick trip to doc, he said it was just a virus and recommended a humidifier for her room, elevating one end of her mattress so she is slightly upright while sleeping and gave us an Rx in case her eyes got worse. She was not her happy self most of the day, but turned things around near 3:00. She was better Sat. and even more so today. We hope that was the worst of it. It's no fun being sick.
Lucian's brother Jesse is visiting this week (known to the kids as Uncle J). We had a birthday dinner Sat. night for Lucian, Jesse and Dave. Here's a shot from the restaurant. Claire did great even though our private room felt like 100°!
Claire and Jesse

Lucian is not real big on sweets, so when asked what dessert he wanted for his birthday he said beef jerky. That is exactly what he got and surprisingly, lots of other people ate it with their cake and ice cream!

I feel like our life has hit fast forward. Claire is growing and changing at an amazing pace. It all goes too fast if you ask me. She rolled over twice today, however when I put the video camera on her she just got upset. She is able to use this jumper now and loves grabbing at the toys in it.

Her baby babble is becoming more elaborate, adding new syllables and sounds all the time. She can get her hands on just about anything near her and often wants whatever is not a toy; paper, a spoon or a necklace. And she is getting so big. She was just a little over 18lbs. at the doc on Friday and is sleeping in a 12 month outfit right now! I wish there was a slow motion button.
Bath-time faux hawk

Lucian went for a winter bike ride this morning while we girls slept in. He is training for an amazing ride this June called the AIDS Lifecycle Ride to End Aids. He joined a team of Advertising professionals called the Red Pencils and will ride from San Francisco to LA June 6-12. That's 545 miles over 7 days!
Click here to learn more about it or donate to his fund raising effort. We'll keep you posted on his progress.