Weight: 15lb. 15.5oz (90%)
Length: 26-3/4" (95%)
She got two more shots and a liquid vaccine. She did not appreciate the shots, but took a long nap once we got home and seemed to forget.
Everyone in the doctor's office marvels at Claire's size and hair. They say she looks more like a 6-month old. I gave her her first ponytail tonight. What do you think?
We got the go ahead to try a spoonful of rice cereal daily. We started that this weekend. She is not very interested yet and most of it ends up on her bib. Makes for cute photos though.
Lastly, we were told to give Claire more tummy time. She has hated it in the past and with our work schedules sometimes we forget during the week. I made quite the effort this weekend and she seems to be alright with it. I do lots of cheering and it was nice to take her photo from a new angle. Here are a few I really liked.
And a few random photos I wanted to post. She was very photogenic this weekend:)

so cute. Nora hated being on her tummy too. She is doing just fine now though.