Lucian and I were fortunate to be able to take some time off this holiday. He was home for 2 weeks straight and I had a week and a half. We cleaned the house, made some great meals, worked on the basement and Claire's nursery a little and just hung out at home. It was a really great time, I'm sad to see it come to an end. Here are some highlights:
Claire and Lucian at Phan's Garden, his favorite Vietnamese restaurant.

Bath time hair. Seriously, where did this kid come from?

Hanging out with Daddy.

We made a trip to the art museum to see the Andy Warhol exhibit before it closed. Claire tagged along in the baby bjorn. She did great.

Claire can spend a few minutes in her Bumbo chair now. Here she is waiting for us to get ready to go to the museum in another cute outfit from Auntie M.

Chilling with dad at the coffee shop while we wait for Spencer to get his hair cut.

Lastly, this is Claire in her swing wearing a new hat from Nana Kathleen. If you look closely it says "Future Packers Cheerleader." Now some of you may know that I grew up in Illinois and am still a Bears fan despite living in Wisconsin (a tough roll, especially in my house). I'm not so sure this should be the only football attire she owns. Can my Illinois family help us out?