Today was Claire's first day at daycare and my "official" first day back at work. I have been working a bit the past 2 weeks but Lucian, Grandpa Joe and Nana Barb were able to watch her until today. It was a sad morning for me. Although I have been back in the office already, handing her off to someone else for the day was a little tough. I shed a few tears but Lucian was there with kleenex and many hugs. By the time I talked about a third time at the office I could get through it without tearing up. And my sister Mary Ann had a beautiful flower bouquet delivered to me at work this afternoon to cheer me up. I looked at photos of Claire on my phone numerous times during the day and rushed home to see her as soon as I could. I know she is in good hands and it will get easier. But for now I am typing one handed so I can get a little extra snuggle time in.
A random photo I took last week. Lucian put this barrette in her hair. So cute!

Claire is starting to outgrow some of her clothes and seems much more aware. She smiles when Lucian and I talk to her or get her up from a nap. It just makes you melt. She can follow objects left to right and has recently discovered her hand. It took quite a few tries to get a photo of it, but I finally managed tonight.

With our basement remodel progressing, Spencer was able to move into his new room down there. Grandpa Joe helped us paint Claire's room last week and the boys tackled her crib on Sunday. We moved her changing table and rocker out of our room and hung the valances Nana Barb made. Her room is starting to come together, it looks great.
Figuring out the crib. (My view from the rocking chair:)

The finished product.

Her beautiful valances.
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