Thursday, May 22, 2014

Conquering a Mountain

We had several yards of dirt and mulch dumped in our driveway last Saturday morning. At first Kyle was just excited about the truck, but when it dumped a giant mound of dirt, he quickly asked for a shovel and got to work!

We got many comments from the neighbors about how much work we had ahead of us, but managed to wrap up spreading it all by about 4:00. Our backs were quite sore that evening, but happy to have the project complete. One to the next items on our list!

Field Trip

Lucian accompanied Claire's class on a field trip to a nature center last week. Luckily the rain stayed away just long enough for some outdoor exploration. They learned about the forest and all kinds of creatures. She touched a snake and a turtle.

Learned about birds and their feathers.

Claire was given a deer puppet and had to talk about the animal to the class. And was asked to hold the worker's staff while the woman showed the class something.
 They had such a great time, Claire was sad to head back to school. She wanted to spend the rest of the day with daddy too.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Double Dentist

Both kids paid a visit to the dentist this week. This was Kyle's first exam. We let Claire show him what it was all about. She is a little timid, but does really great. She even said in the car, "I like the dentist, Mommy."

Lucian was there to help wrangle Kyle. Kyle was relatively cooperative (light years ahead of Claire's first visit) but needed some help removing his thumb from his mouth and staying in the chair at the end. It reminded me why we still strap him in at the dinner table!

All in all, it was a great visit.

Thursday, May 1, 2014


The big news at our house is our new pet Buddy. He is a wooly bear caterpillar and provides lots of excitement. Seriously, the kids are giddy over this thing. He made a visit to Claire's school this week. He eats meals with us and Claire let him watch a movie with her the other night. He's not much work and he will hopefully transform into a tiger moth and fly away, so he is my kind of pet right now.
Here's a little video of the kids checking him out.

The weekend weather left much to be desired, but we spent time outdoors anyway. Some friends helped us split some grasses in the front beds. Kyle was a big help.
We went for a quick ride in our neighbor's '79 Jeep.
The kids dug for worms.
And Claire got her first mani/pedi.