Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Kyle is 2!

Our sweet Kyle Reed is 2-years old. This mild tempered baby has grown into an inquisitive, adventurous and loving little boy. He loves trucks, cars, trains and dancing to music. His speech has really taken off lately and he can clearly express what he wants (and disappointment in not getting it:).

We brought the kids to an indoor bounce place on Sunday to celebrate Kyle's big day. Everyone had a great time.

Claire was much more adventurous this time, climbing and sliding over just about everything. She even helped Kyle out and guided him through the obstacles.
We ended the day with birthday cupcakes. Happy birthday little guy!

Christmas 2014

Claire had pajama day on her last day of school before the break. She thought it was pretty cool.

On Christmas Eve we gathered at Lucian's parents for a meal and gift exchange. Claire loves to take photos as you can see. I even promised her a cookie if she smiled.
Kyle enjoyed the buffet.

Claire sporting some of her new gifts.

That night we put out a cookie and chocolate milk for Santa. Kyle was into it, but Claire had fallen asleep on the ride home. She stayed behind the camera and reminded us to put out carrots for the reindeer.

Santa left presents for the kids which we started opening around 7am. This was actually sleeping in for us, so we were happy. It was really fun to watch Claire experience the holiday this year. She wanted to make or get gifts for several people. She tried to keep their gifts a secret and helped with the wrapping.

Kyle was happy with the first gift he opened. We tried to keep him going, but Claire ended up opening most of his gifts.

Christmas day we hosted my family at our house. It was nice not to drag the kids anywhere and everyone pitched in with the food.

For my gift, Lucian secretly photographed my wedding dress and his wedding tux jacket together and framed it. I love the image and the fact that he was able to pull it off!

4-Year Check-up

Claire finally had her 4-year wellness check-up right before the holidays. She is right on track and much more cooperative at visits now. She thought the paper gown was pretty funny.

Here are her stats:
Height: 44.25in. (94%)
Weight: 46lbs. (81%)

She also had her vision and hearing checked.

She ended the appointment with several shots, which she promised to be brave for to show Kyle how it's done. She cried a bit but was a trooper. We're happy to have such a healthy girl.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Sledding Drawing

Claire clearly enjoyed the sledding too. This was her journal drawing Monday at school. She said in the car on the way home that she wasn't going to sled at school anymore, because going with her family is so much fun.

We set a goal in Claire's parent teacher conference a few weeks back to have her write her name independently. So we were super happy to see all the correct letters on this drawing! Several other papers have them in the right order too. Way to go Claire!

Thursday, December 26, 2013


We had a pretty significant snowfall last weekend which just begged for some sledding. We made a nice breakfast, dug ourselves out on Sunday and hit the hill. Spen even joined us too.

Earlier in the weekend we geared up for the holidays grocery shopping and baking cookies. Claire loves all of it.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Happy 75th Papa!

My dad turned 75 last week. My parents came up to celebrate with a lunch out and dessert of course. After the restaurant, Claire insisted Papa play under the dining room table with her as soon as he came in the house. And that's where Papa spent the first 20 minutes or so. I don't think he'd have it any other way. We are all so lucky to have Joe in our lives. Love you Dad!

Holiday Photo Session

Lucian's office put together holiday photo sessions once again this year. They were a bit later, however, and fell on a weekend when Spen was not here. We got some cute and funny photos, but in the end they did not make the holiday card.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Getting A Tree

We had time to go pick out a Christmas tree on Sunday. This happened to coincide with a little snow storm. Luckily we didn't have to travel far and Lucian took it easy and avoided the highway. Otherwise we would have been dealing with this.

We put on the kids' snow pants and picked out a lovely tree. It's narrow and cute and fits our space perfectly.
Claire was very excited to decorate, however, we had to wait a good part of the day for the tree to dry off from the snow. She asked to put on the star again this year.
Kyle mostly enjoyed taking off all of the ornaments or shaking them, as in this photo.

Claire is enjoying the snow. She likes to help shovel, so if I do it after she goes to bed, I save her a little patch. I hope that keeps up. Looks like there is more on the way today!

Sunday, December 8, 2013


Spen was home for Thanksgiving weekend. His fist visit since we dropped him off in August! He caught up with a lot of friends and ran some important errands. It was great to have him home for a few days.
On Thanksgiving day, we drove to Rockford to celebrate with my parents and some aunts and uncles. The food was delicious! And Claire even tried brussels sprouts.
Saturday we drove to the annual Karstedt pizza party. Lucian's grandparents host a family party every year, since they do not return from Florida at Christmas time. Lucian brought his photography equipment this time and took lots of photos of the family.

I love seeing all the little ones play and get to know each other. I am however, anxiously awaiting the stage where Kyle stays in the room with all the kids instead of darting down the hall or sneaking behind the bar. He is exhausting!

Grandma Ginny and Grandpa Ken with some grandkids/great grandkids.
Our attempt at a holiday card. Who knows, it still might make the cut.
Claire received an advent calendar from Grandma Barb. She loves opening the slot each day and hanging an ornament on the tree.