Height: 29-1/2" (85%)
Weight: 20lb. 13.5oz. (75%)
Head Circumference: 46.5cm (90%)
I feel like just this this weekend his activity level skyrocketed. Every time I set him down, he is immediately opening a drawer, standing up and then cruising to the next surface he can grab. He now empties the tupperwear and pots and pans from the kitchen cupboards and can grab papers off the desk. This guy is busy.
He is also eating table food
Just a cute shot of the kids playing in the hall while I got ready one morning.
The weather was pretty tolerable this weekend. We spent some time outside after purchasing perhaps the best outdoor tool ever: a leaf blower. Lucian managed to clear both the front and back yards and I cleaned the gutters (previously a 2 hour job now takes less than 5 minutes).
I love this thing. Claire thought it was fun too.
We made use of the swing set while Lucian blew leaves (could be the last hurrah for the season).
Sunday was trick or treating in our neighborhood. Claire was not thrilled with the idea of it, so we discussed stopping at four houses; neighbors on each side, a house across the street (with a little girl) and her daycare. With some encouragement, she donned her costume and watched as Lucian and I handed out candy for a bit.
Then we headed out, still reluctant, as you can see. Claire made it to the 4 houses and then hit up our house. Lucian has already gone in while I was chatting with some neighbors. He answered the door and Claire actually said "trick or treat" and "thank you"! Maybe we'll have better luck next year. She said she wants to be Oscar the grouch. I told her that seems appropriate. She did enjoy handing out candy (sans costume) after we returned home.
Kyle was along for the ride, happy as usual.