I started having contractions around lunch time on Thursday. Mind you I had a doctor's appointment at 11am that day and was dialated about 2 cm with no clue what would happen once leaving the office. I tried to lay down with Claire when she napped around 1:30, but kept having some pains. As with Claire, I was unsure that they were even contractions or that they were the real thing. Once they started, they happened about every 5 minutes, so I took that as a cue to finish packing our hospital bag and change the sheets for Aunt Mimi to stay, just in case.
Lucian started texting family to let them know, even though I said I'd rather wait. By maybe 3:00 or so, I was convinced this was it. At 4pm we called the hospital and they had us come in. I was around 5 or 6cm upon check-in and Lucian and I guessed we'd meet our little boy before 11pm.
Unfortunately, my Dr. was on vacation, but I was familiar with the Dr. on call. I wish they had called her in a little earlier, as I had to wait for her to arrive while I was ready to push. That was by far the hardest part. It was all worth it, however, as we met baby Kyle at 9:40pm.
He had Claire's familiar face (to me) but was a pound lighter and seems to have a smaller frame. I forget how small a newborn looks and feels. Even an eight pounder:)
We are learning his personality and soaking in this precious time. Claire loves being a big sister and has been an amazing help. She gives him kisses and hugs non-stop and is very attentive to her little bro. Here are a few photo highlights. I'm sure they'll be plenty more:)

Lucian started texting family to let them know, even though I said I'd rather wait. By maybe 3:00 or so, I was convinced this was it. At 4pm we called the hospital and they had us come in. I was around 5 or 6cm upon check-in and Lucian and I guessed we'd meet our little boy before 11pm.
One last bellly shot

Proud Dad
Spen is a pro at being a big bro. No surprise:)
Claire reading Kyle her I'm a Big Sister book
Proud Auntie. We are so grateful to Aunt Mimi for staying with Claire while we were at the hospital and bringing her to visit.
Meeting Nana Barb
And Papa Joe