Trick or treating in our neighborhood was Sunday afternoon. We had talked about the concept with Claire and even practiced at home. When I first told her about it, she shut the door to her room, knocked on it and asked me for candy. She's a sharp little girl. Post nap, she watched me hand out candy to a kid or two and became very excited to get her costume on and head out. Aunt Mimi came over to join us as well.

We went directly next door to a little boy's house that goes to her daycare and whom we see outside all the time. However, when we got close to the door, Claire froze. She yelled "no" and started hysterically crying. She buried her head in my legs and refused to look at anyone or take any candy.

We thought maybe that was it, but she agreed to try another house. There were no tears at the second neighbor, but she had Mimi carry her and kept her head on her shoulder while we chatted.

We only tried one more house and then headed to our daycare provider, where we hoped she would be more comfortable. When she was greeted at the door with candy, Claire blazed right by and let herself in the house. I guess she was more comfortable. We stayed and chatted a few minutes and had a beer (not me of course:). That was the best house by far. Maybe next year she will feel more comfortable with the process, but the outing was very short yesterday. We didn't mind too much, since the weather was a little wet and cold.
Nana Kathleen and Papa Dave gave us a twin size bed for Claire. Without anywhere to store it, we decided to set it up in her room over the weekend (Lucian would like his garage parking spot back:) Claire was enamored with it from the get go and made the transition to a big girl bed just like that. She has been sleeping in it since Friday night and I don't foresee going back. She has said her baby brother cannot have her crib, though. We'll have to see about that.