Claire's 2-year wellness check-up was last week. She is doing very well, aside from still not eating vegetables. Here are her stats:
Weight: 30 lbs. 6 oz. (90%)
Height: 36" (95%)
Head circumference: 50.5" (95%)
We invited my parents up for a marathon baby-sitting adventure this week. Lucian and I had an advertising event to attend Thursday night, so they watched her while we attended our local industry's awards show and cocktail reception. Our daycare was closed on Friday, so Claire spent the day with Nana and Papa at our house. They went to the park and took walks. Claire said she had a good time.

Sat. evening, Lucian and I had 2 parties to attend. The first was an Oktoberfest party where we got to see our cousins that recently moved to Denver. After that we hung out with advertising people again at a hair cutting party. Yes that right. A friend of ours was bet that he could not cut his hair for 6 months straight, ending with his birthday this weekend. He made it and we shaved his head at a celebratory party. Why not, right?

We are looking forward to a trip to Cancun, Mexico in Oct. for my sister's wedding. After 2 trips to Kinko's for Claire's passport photo and trips to 2 post offices to drop the dang thing off, it arrived in the mail this week. It made me realize how close the trip is getting. We can't wait. Mexico, here we come!

And a random note, Claire used her potty this morning and tonight! While changing her diaper first thing this morning she asked to go and sit on it and really went. That is a first at our house, although she has done it at daycare and Nana's. Then tonight before her bath she asked again and succeeded. I hope it's a trend, but we are staying level headed. She'll let us know when she's ready.