When one of us is home with Claire we send picture text updates to each other. Here's a cute one I sent to Lucian from our day at home. We played and did lots of floor time, then ran a few errands in the afternoon. I was planning to take her to the park to swing after our errands, but her nap got in the way.
Claire loves to take my iPhone (really anything she is not supposed to have; remotes, cameras, etc.). I try to let her hold my phone, but that typically lasts a few seconds before she tries to eat it. The other day I launched a drawing app and let her play with my phone. Here is the end result. She changed the colors and made all the marks herself. She even saved the image to my photos (I'm not kidding). It's her first digital art:)
Lastly, Claire is sitting up all by herself! She has been close for a while now, but would still take a hard fall now and then. Something clicked this weekend and she is sitting like a champ. I took a few photos and some video to show everyone.